Sasha woke me about 10.30 AM. Rob claimed that several previous attempts had been made. Breakfast was porridge and rice pudding, which might once have been hot, but certainly wasn’t by the time I arrived. We went down to the beach, where a fisherman stood angling on an old wreck. We explored the wreck, and sat reading books on the beach in the sunshine.
Sasha and Dimitri arrived. Being the compulsive gamblers that they are, they had cards with them, and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing hearts, scoring in the sand. It starts to rain, which prompted Sasha to make very un-Russian whimpering noises and run inside.
The weather got progressively worse, and by evening we were in the midst of a hailstorm. Dinner was another barbecue followed by “entertainment” in the form of German grunge music. The weather had settled and the night was still so I went for a walk and left Sasha and Dimitri to their bizarre musical taste. The wreck now sat like a silent shadowy monolith against the almost black sky and there was the sound of a motorboat chugging away in the distance, along with Sasha’s music.