I check out of the Kingdom at around 8:45am, and leave my bag with the porter. At nine I get picked up by my last tour bus - this one is for the famous helicopter “flight of angels”, an aerial tour of the Victoria Falls. A few pickups and a short drive later we arrive at the heliport. A thatched building stands on the side of a small grassy area surrounded by a low log fence, just large enough for two small helipads. The only visible helicopter is in a service area on the other side of the field, with various vital-looking pieces of machinery exposed.
A number of people are milling around, apparently waiting for their flight, which leaves before mine. After a few minutes a chopper comes roaring into view and lands on the nearer of the two pads. A staff member opens the doors, and quickly manages the change of passengers, before closing the doors and watching the craft take to the sky once again. Retreating, his practiced maneuver completed, he spys me, with camera in hand. “You want to take pictures?”, he asks, and then after noting my positive response “Stay close to me and I’ll put you in the front”.
These aircraft seat seven passengers, in two rows of three and one beside the pilot. The two middle seats in the back rows have the poorest views, and the best position is obviously riding up front. Elina had already advised me to do my best to get this seat, and it looked like it was going to be easier than I had thought.
When the helicopter returns, the ground staff roll into action again, and as promised I get the best seat in the house. We lift off and head straight for the falls - the chopper backs two circuits of the falls before flying about 4km downriver and then returning to the helipad.
Back at the hotel, I have breakfast, and take another swim to help ease my sunburn. At one I arrive at Wilderness Safaris to settle up with Elina, and at two I catch my lift to the airport. Goodbye Vic Falls.
tour, flight back to Harareihave
over Victoria Falls in a helicopertrip