I woke at about 5:30, and showered before i realised what the time was. I went back to bed again until a wake up call rang my phone at 8:30. I phoned Palm, to remaind her to bring her uni report on the River of the Kings show, which I was really interested to see. Fortunately by the time they showed up in the lobby Palm had found a baby to play with, which always seemed to make her smile. Wee had brought along her boyfriend, Bernard, who was pretty hard to miss at 6ft 8in. I’d guess Wee was about 5ft, if that, so it made so quite a contrast.
We went to watch a movie (Zoolander), which seemed a very un-Thai thing to do on my last day but it was very funny, including some hilarious spoofs of movies like 2001 A Space Odyssey and The Matrix.
After the movie we took the skytrain to the southernmost stop and a boat back up the river. We spent the evening relaxing in a riverside park next to an historical city defense, which became floodlit as the sun set. Once I got to the airport I joined a very long line to check in, for my flight at quarter past one am.
day with Wee, Palm and Bernard (Wee’s boyfriend), Zoolander, riverside, taxi to airporttrip