Goodbye Wordpress, hello Astro!
27 February 2025
I have been making this corner of the web my home since 2002, and for most of that time, Wordpress has been the engine powering the site. It's time for a major change - here's why I'm moving to Astro.
Browsers in things
10 March 2017
Web browsers are now more consistent and evergreen than ever before. Or are they?
The best of Google I/O 2016
15 July 2016
Serviceworker step by step, CSS containment, credentials and payment APIs, animation techniques, devtools improvements… Google I/O dropped so much web content this year I took a full month to catch up with even a fraction of it. If anything this shows just how fast the web is flying today. I put together some highlights.
Progressively less progressive
5 June 2016
At Google I/O the Washington Post launched a new so-called Progressive Web App. It can be hard to see how the word ‘progressive’ can be justified by some of the many things that now lay claim to that term.
On ads and ad blocking
29 March 2016
Ad blocking is going mainstream, and this is not a good thing. Inflated, intrusive ads result from advertisers having bad incentives, and ad blocking technology can actually make those incentives even worse. The only solution is one that advertisers can be on board with as well.
“Progressive apps” are a bag of carrots
11 October 2015
The desire among those who like the web for it to do everything native apps can do has recently led to the idea of "progressive apps", but I’m not convinced this does anything except further overload two terms that are already dangerously ambiguous.
Progressive enhancement for everyone
23 November 2014
One of the key benefits ascribed to progressive enhancement is that your site works for everyone. That is almost true. But we need to be clear what we mean by “everyone”.